Other Stuff
Other Work Related Stuff
  • I was the main problem setter for a number of programming competitions organised at the University of Malta. Links to the web pages of the competitions can be found under the Events tab, but the tasks can be found here:
    • A problem on stacking shapes to reduce the area covered was given in 2005 (task, presentation, webpage)
    • In 2009, the problem was on Gerrymandering - the task being to write a program to select voting districts to give an advantage to one political party (task, presentation, webpage)
    • The task for 2010 was to approximate images using blobs of paint (task, presentation, webpage)
    • In 2011, the task was to optimise the path of a Martian drone so as to map as large an area as possible (task)
    • In 2013, the task was to approximate a shape by folding a sheet of paper (task, presentation)
    • The 2014 competition was about correctly ordering video frames (task, presentation)
    • The 2015 competition was about rebuilding images by copying rectangles from a given set of images. (task)
Work Unrelated
  • Ajsbergs: Mitt mini-poema ta' Dwardu Ellul. My favourite has to be number 98, Naqblu.
  • Updated :-) My Erdös number is at most 4, via Frederic Lang, Daniel J. Dougherty, Stanley M. Selkow. (the previously known path of length 5 was via Jifeng He, C.A.R. Hoare, Daniel J. Lehmann, Menachem Magidor)
  • Tango in Malta? Visit www.TangoNewsMalta.com.
Last updated: 10/09/24