
Final Results

First Place Best Standard Submission (Lm100): HyperDonkeys
Second Place Runner Up Standard Submission (Lm75): X3M
Best Lightning Submission (Lm50): HyperDonkeys


The encrypted problem file was a twice applied password protected zip file. The first key to use to unzip the file is the French translation of the first lines of the Maltese National Anthem: À cette douce terre, la mère qui nous a donné son nom, Protège-la, seigneur, comme tu as toujours fait ; Rappelle-toi que tu l'a embellie avec la plus haute grâce. Then unzip once again the resulting zip file using one of Dwardu Ellul's Ajsbergs: Ma jridx Alla min isuqu, u ma jrid ebda alla fuqu, hsiebu hieles, trijonfali, ... il-Hallieq hu ateu bhali. Note that there was a missing comma in one of the pieces file given.

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