Operating Systems Assignments

N.B.: Attempt any of the following questions. Regardless of how many you choose, each should be an essay in its own right, i.e., I want quality per essay not quantity of essays. A paragraph does not an essay make!

IF YOU WANT TO DISCUSS THE ESSAYS, COME AND SEE ME. I WON'T EAT YOU (although I will expect you to have an opinion - I'm not here to dictate essays to you! You are not here to waste your time by missing the point! If in doubt, ask!)

Ensure that you explain the terms you use. Just because a word appears in the question doesn't mean that I know what it means. Explain it to me. If your essay is out of point, then, because you have carefully defined/described your terms, I can work out where you went wrong.

Essay Questions: Distributed Operating Systems

1. Using examples explain the four properties of transactions.

2. What are the disadvantages and advantages of using private workspaces and writeahead logs for transaction processing?

3. RPC programming aims to give users the impression that a local procedure has been called, even though a remote procedure may actually have been called. Describe how RPC works in general. What are the implications of the location transparancy for the programmer? Can everything that can be done with a local procedure be achieved through RPC? If not, why not?