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A Monitoring tool for Erlang

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Video introducing Elarva concepts

Christian Columbo - Erlang - a monitoring-oriented programming language from Erlang Solutions on Vimeo.

Runtime Verification
Robustness and reliability are key factors in the success of the deployment of security-critical systems. Testing, fails to address these concerns adequately since not all possible execution paths are covered. On the other hand, verification - the analysis of all execution paths - is usually unfeasible due to the large state space of such systems. Runtime-verification addresses the issue by enabling formal verification of the system during its execution. An adequate logic and language to express typical security properties is a prerequisite to enable runtime verification.

The Larva monitoring tool has been successfully applied to a number of industrial Java systems, providing extra assurance of behaviour correctness. Given the increased interest in concurrent programming, we propose Elarva, an adaptation of Larva for monitoring programs written in Erlang, an established industry-strength concurrent language. Object-oriented Larva constructs have been translated to process-oriented setting, and the synchronous Larva monitoring semantics was altered to an asynchronous interpretation.


  • Specification - As in Larva, the chosen specification is DATEs, a logic based on symbolic automata which offers a high degree of expressivity. Being designed for runtime verification it requires much less computational resources than having a logic to be decidable over all execution paths.
  • Instrumentation - In Larva, the instrumentation is tackled via aspect-oriented programming which uses joinpoints (i.e. identifiable points in the code) defined by a pointcut (i.e. rule to which a number of joinpoints should match) to capture events. This is achieved because Java, the implementation language used in Larva, supports aspect-oriented programming through AspectJ. Message passing concurrency languages do not support aspect-oriented programming therefore we had to use another approach. We had two options, either use hand instrumentation i.e. inserting specific code in the target system for each occurrence of a particular event, or using the tracing mechanism of Erlang. We opted for the Erlang tracing mechanism because it gives us an elegant way how to capture events without modfying the target system while hand instrumentation would result in the cluttering of the target system.
  • Monitoring - The Erlang tracing mechanism does not suspend the system while a trace event is triggered therefore the target system will continue its execution while the Erlang tracing mechanism generates trace events and sends them to the tracer process. This requires us to adopt an asynchronous monitoring mode where the target system and the monitoring code are both running in parallel but there exists a delay between the occurence of events and the delivery of trace messages. When the Erlang tracing mechanism is activated the Erlang virtual machine sends trace messages to a tracer process. This tracer process is the central and most important part of our monitoring code. The Erlang virtual machine can only send trace messages to a single process thus at any one time there is only one tracer process. As a consequenece, the tracer process is responsbile for receiving trace messages and generating meaningful events which are forwarded to the appropiate FSMs. If the erlang virtual machine could send trace messages to more than one process we could eliminate the tracer process and let each FSM receive its pertaining events.
  • Handling Violations - Since we adopted an asynchronous monitoring mode, we are restricted with respect to the actions that can be taken upon a violation detection because upon a violation detection the target system will continue execution with the possibility of doing more damage (for example exposing sensitive data etc.). Even though we cannot take an immediate action upon a violation detection we can take action via the Supervisor behaviour which can restart the target system to limit the damage. If the target system is designed with built-in recovery strategies (i.e. routines that can rearrange the system’s state), we can trigger these routines (for example by a function call or by a message) as an action upon violation detection.
  • Mitigating the impact of verification - The monitoring code induces an amount of overhead on the target system. We have to minimise this overhead as much as possible. One way to minimise the induced overhead is to adopt a distributed monitoring approach where the target system runs on Erlang node while the monitoring code resides on a different Erlang node and on a separate machine with dedicated hardware.

Future Directions

  • Extension to ELarva Specification - We can improve the expressivity of ELarva specification by handling real-time properties i.e. the ability of measuring the real-time between system events. Realtime properties can be implemented by timers which can trigger events. However extending ELarva to handle real-time properties is not so straight forward because real-time properties are very sensitive to overheads and more error-prone due to their strict timings.
  • Reducing Further the Overhead - In the performance benchmark we obtained knowledge of the degree of induced overhead by ELarva. We proved that for considerably large properties this overhead can be reduced via a distributed monitoring approach where the target system and the monitoring code run on seperate Erlang nodes and on seperate machines. We have also identified that this overhead can be further reduced by using more light weight FSMs than the gen fsm behaviour which despite being part of the OTP framework, thus giving us advantages like well-tested, it can be some what heavy on the target system.
  • More User-Friendly Presentation of Monitoring Results - Currently the output of the monitoring code is being outputted to the Erlang shell. It would be ideal to save the output in a file and have some functions that parse the output file to give a brief summary of where most of the problems would lie. If this brief summary is not sufficient for the user he can still view the whole output of the monitoring code to have a better insight of what might have gone wrong.

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[1] Elarva: A Monitoring tool for Erlang, Christian Colombo, Adrian Francalanza, and Rudolph Gatt. In RV, San Fracisco, USA, 2011 (PDF)
[2] Towards a Specification-Based Correctness of Erlang Systems Through Asynchronous Monitoring, Christian Colombo and Adrian Francalanza, internal report 02-WICT-2012, University of Malta, 2012. (PDF)
The Toolkit

The user requires the Erlang Runtime Environment to be installed on the computer system.

How to compile:
The user can use the compiler by executing the following function: compiler:compile(system_name, script_path).

Input syntax:
For a complete reference manual as regards the ELARVA language see the ELARVA User Manual.

If you would like a copy of the tool, please fill in the following form, and we will send you the tool directly via email. Should you have any problems with the form, or fail to receive a response in a reasonable amount of time, please let us know via email.

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Intended use and other comments:

The following is further material supporting the tool, and which may be downloaded directly:

Contact details
Dr. Adrian Francalanza
Department of Computer Science,
Faculty of ICT,
University of Malta,
Msida MSD2080,

Tel: (+356) 2340 2745
Fax: (+356) 2132 0539
Christian Colombo
Department of Computer Science,
Faculty of ICT,
University of Malta,
Msida MSD2080,

Tel: (+356) 2340 2640
Rudolph Gatt